Monday, October 15, 2007

0mega - 3 Fatty Acids

In my constant battle to shed some pounds I decided I would try a different approach and I started seeing a nutritionist. On Friday I found out a little tidbit that I wanted to share with you all. We all know that omega-3's are good for you and we need about 300-500mg a day for optimal health benefits but what I didn't know is that there are a lot of enhanced products on the market that do not contain the active form. You must specifically look for EPA and DHA on the packaging. I have been taking flax seed in the morning (and sneaking into the kids diet) to get Omega - 3's but it turns out that it does not contain any of the active forms. Here is the direct quote from the pamphlet "Plant sources of omega three, such as flax seed, nuts, etc. provide the omega three in the ALA form which is considered inactive. Animal based sources, such as fish, and certain eggs and yogurt provide the omega three in its active state of DHA and EPA" So if you are buying a product because you think it is a source of omega-3 then make sure it mentions DHA and EPA on the packaging because if it doesn't then it probably contains the ALA form. The good news is that if you have fish twice a week then you are getting your requirement since your body stores the excess. If you don't eat fish then you might consider looking into a supplement. There are quite a few on the market. Have a healthy eating day everyone!

Oh - I should mention that flax seed is still a great addition to your diet for many other reasons(it is a phytoestrogen, lowers cholesterol, and is an excellent source of fiber to name a few). It just does not any active Omega-3's.


Kimmartha said...

Thanks for the info Lesley! product sellers are so quick to push stuff on us - especially when it is misleading or not exactly true. Although ours are better than our US neighbours, I still wish we had more stringent guidelines for product nutrional breakdowns. It's frustrating when you want to keep your family healthy!

Anonymous said...

Great to know! Another tidbit about supplements ... eveyone now knows that calcium helps weight loss ... but so do B vitamins!